Note Keywords

Note Keywords

Notes can optionally be configured to show the leading keywords that are there when viewing the corresponding lines for the note in the Gherkin Text Editor mode. These leading keywords cannot be deleted when editing the note’s text.

User Story Note Keywords

Use the preferences menu option highlighted below to show / hide the 'Feature' keyword.


The common user story keywords 'As a’, ‘I want to’ and ‘So that’ get added automatically to new User Story notes but can be changed or deleted if required.

Rule Note Keyword

Use the preferences menu option highlighted below to show / hide the 'Rule' keyword.


Scenario Note Keyword

Use the preferences menu option highlighted below to show / hide the Scenario Note keyword.

Change Scenario keyword

Gherkin syntax supports one of: Scenario, Example, Scenario Outline and Scenario Template as leading keywords for a scenario. You can quickly change between these on a Scenario Note by hovering the mouse over the keyword and then clicking the left mouse button while holding the 'Alt' key. Then pick a different keyword from the drop down menu as shown below.

Question Note Keywords

Use the preferences menu option highlighted below to show / hide the 'Q' keyword.

The ‘A:' keyword used as a prefix before the answer to the note’s question is automatically added to the Question Note when ‘show keyword’ option is turned on, but can be deleted or added as required.

Note that if there is some text entered after the ‘A:' keyword the question is considered answered, see more information related to this in Capturing Questions & Answers.

Step Note Keywords

Use the preferences menu option highlighted below to show / hide the Step Note keyword.

Change Step keyword

Gherkin syntax supports one of: Given, When, Then, And or But as leading keywords for a step. You can quickly change between these on a Scenario Note by hovering the mouse over the keyword and then clicking the left mouse button while holding the 'Alt' key. Then pick a different keyword from the drop down menu as shown below.

Note that if a Step Note has keyword ‘And' or ‘But’ and it is moved to be the first step of a Scenario then the keyword will change to one of ‘Given’, ‘When’ or ‘Then’ since ‘And’ and 'But’ cannot be the first Step keywords of a Scenario.