Drag & Drop Notes

Drag & Drop Notes

Place the mouse cursor at the bottom of any note so that the note’s drag handle becomes visible. Then click and hold the left mouse button to “grab” the note. Move it with the mouse to the desired location and then release the mouse button to drop the note.


The locations where a particular note can be dropped is colour highlighted when the note is dragged over it. The note will be auto aligned after dropping so you don’t need to be precise with positioning. Where exactly each type of note can be dropped is explained in the following sections.

Dropping User Story Notes

User Story notes are top level elements and can be dropped onto an empty space or next to other User Story notes dropped earlier.


More than one User Story note

At times you might discover another User Story not previously known as part of your team’s Example Mapping discussions. When this happens it is useful to be able to capture it quickly under the same feature so that it doesn’t get lost and then later after the meeting move it out into its own Jira issue and Feature panel.

Dropping Rule Notes

Rule notes can be dropped onto a User Story note that doesn’t yet have any Rule notes

Or next to other Rule notes dropped earlier

Or onto a User Story note that is currently folded (see Fold Note Groups)

Dropping Scenario Notes

Scenario notes can be dropped onto a Rule note that doesn’t yet have any Scenario notes

Or next to other Scenario notes dropped earlier

Or onto a Rule note that is currently folded

Story scenarios
Cucumber syntax supports having Scenarios without a preceding Rule, so you can also drop a Scenario note directly onto a Story note

See below for difference between a Scenario that belongs to a User Story vs a Scenario that belongs to a Rule


Dropping Question Notes

Semantically questions can belong to User Stories, Rules or Scenarios, so you can drop them accordingly

You can also drop a Question note onto Story, Rule or Scenario note that is currently folded

Dropping Step Notes

Unhide Step notes

Step notes are hidden by default, but they can be made visible by unchecking the editor menu option shown below


Step notes can be dropped onto folded Scenario notes or next to other Scenario steps or question notes like shown below